PKJN Caroline & KSN Jane run the Pukekohe and Onewhero schools from one venue. We thought we would introduce ourselves with some photos.
PKJN Caroline Hurst
Caroline is a 5th degree black belt in the traditional Korean martial art of Kuk Sool Won™ . Caroline is also a mental health nurse (UK, trained), specialising in the behavioural therapies; cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) and acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT). She works from home developing online skills training programmes.
KSN Jane Hurst
Jane is a 2nd degree black belt in the traditional Korean martial art of Kuk Sool Won™ . She specialises in teaching our kids programme for 6 - 12 year olds. Jane has a PhD in management and has a particular interest in fostering the careers of women. She works as a professional writer to the private and public sectors.